Name That Movie (Valentines)

A Valentines PowerPoint Game Just For You!


  1. Projection and slide capabilities

How to Play:

Divide the groups up into teams and play this powerpoint game with whatever rules you like. We usually designate one person in the group to text their answers in or write down their answers on a slip and bring them to the front. This way every group can play at once and the group that gets the point is not only the one with the right answer but also the one who got it first. This requires designating someone in each group to submit the answers. It also creates more of a "race" type atmosphere.

Click Here To Download The Powerpoint Game.

If you don't have powerpoint, here's the movie stills we used:

50 first dates, 500 days of summer, Beauty and the Beast, Edward Scissorhands, Juno, Enchanted, The Great Gatsby, The Notebook, Romeo & Juliet, The Fault in Our Stars, The Titanic.

And here's the border:
