Name That Tune


Keep it current and classic with this awesome game from Brad Hamm Student Ministries Pastor @ Cross Timbers Church

Pro Tips:

  1. Leave a song you know they will love for the last one and let it play all the way through, they will entertain themselves while you’re getting ready to transition to whatever is next.
  2. If you want to make it more fun, select one person from each group to go to the front to lip-sync or dance to each song, a winner from each song receives one point toward their overall total. 


  • Paper,
  • Pen
  • Ability to play music.

How to Play:

We did this at camp, it was a huge hit. Find 5 modern songs they will know(i.e. Wrecking Ball), 5 older songs they won’t know(i.e. Buddy Holly), 5 Disney songs(i.e. Aladdin), 5 90s songs(i.e. *NSYNC), 5 country songs(i.e. Wagon Wheel) Make sure you mix them all up. Make sure you have all your songs in order from 1-25 on an answer sheet. I make my playlist using Spotify. TIP: If you don’t pay for a Spotify subscription, be wary of commercials, I just mute it.

Split group up into 12 teams, I usually do 6-8 per team then throw a youth leader in to write the answers down and to help. Give them 10 seconds to choose a team name, make sure they write their team name at the top of your paper along with everyone’s name in the group. Have them number their paper 1-25. If they fail to do this, I disqualify them. Or you can avoid all of this and give them a paper that is already numbered with a space to write their names and team name. 

Give them 20 seconds of any part of each song, don’t give them any time to recoup, just grind through them. If they name the correct song on the wrong number, it’s a miss. I usually say, “This is 8th song”. We give one point for naming the song, and two points for naming the artist.