Mixers Version 2.0
An updated zip file containing our first 52 mixers (10 more than before) with instructions, and an SD and HD graphic for every game. Save browsing time, take our games anywhere you need to, print out instructions for your youth leaders with ease and support Youth Group Collective all in one fell swoop. Or maybe several fell clicks.
We don't limit "Mixers" to the typical icebreaker conversation starters that you find on most game sites. Our mixers get people moving, talking, laughing, playing, etc. We believe mixers should make people more comfortable, not less comfortable. So you'll find a variety of whole group games here and we think they're awesome.
Note: Some of the graphics have been improved and will not be the same as what is found on the site.

Additional Info
You'll receive these game graphics and instructions:
Apple Fork, Baby, Bronco, Backpack, Back 2 Back, Baghead Battle, Balloon Battle, Bare Knuckle Fisticuffs, Block-Chop-Pressure Points, Blow Pop Master, Body Body, Candy Corn Count, Candy Count (Christmas), Candy Heart Count, Capture the Island, Cats vs Cucumbers, Chin Championships, Christmas Ball Wrap, Christmas Superlatives, Clique, Crane Master, Deal Breaker, Death Wink, Find the Chalupa, Fortune Teller, Group Hug, Heads or Tails, Honey If You Love Me, Horse High Five, Hot Rice, Human Pretzel, It Factor, King of The Circle, LeftYes RightNo, Look Up Look Down, M&M Inhale, Mind Reader, Nibbly Bibbly, Ninja Foots, One Bounce, Pass The Penny, Penny Rich, Poison Dart Frog, Protect The President, Rock Paper Scissors Pom Pom, Shuffle Your Buns, Sock Wars, Starburst Posse, Staring Contest, The Purge, The Ringleader, Toast, What's Your Face, White Elephant, Would You Rather Halloween Edition.
Note: We've updated some graphics and improved them during the process of creating HD options. Some graphics will be different from what you see on the site.