Quiz of Death ppt
This game was fun to create and even more fun to test out. Contestants faceoff and try to guess which object has led to the more deaths. Not sure about the morbidity of this game? Fair enough - here’s two things to consider:
Ecclesiastes 7:2
Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties. After all, everyone dies— so the living should take this to heart.
Students will also see the dangers of texting and driving while putting other concerns into perspective.
This game was a doozy to research and put together. We weeded out the myths (150 people don’t die from coconuts each year) and tried to avoid sensitive material (suicide, gun violence, and drug overdose often hit close to home).
Nonetheless - be discerning about whether or not this game is appropriate for your group!
NOTE: Hey international friends! We stuck to “America” based trivia because the stats seemed easier to research and even more reliable in some cases. Worldwide deathrates are much harder to find accurate information for. Sorry if this makes you feel unloved!

Additional Info
Example Slides
A death-based trivia game!
Pro Tip:
Be sensitive to the lives of your students: if a student has recently lost someone close - this may not be the best option for your youth group!
Projector & Screen
How to Play:
Have two people come up to compete and keep track of who is getting the most right OR choose random people from the audience one at a time for every slide and give out a candy bar or small prize if they guess correctly.
Here are the rules:
On the following slides – guess which object causes the most deaths in America. Sometimes these deaths are caused by user error and the blame is not on the objects themselves so consider how each object might be involved or might contribute to people dying before you answer!
The skull will appear on the correct answer as well as numbers indicating the estimated amounts (as well as a somewhat informational remark).