Watermelon Squeeze

This game is based off of the viral video of cutting a watermelon in half using the force or many rubber bands. It's a messy, tension building game, with an explosive ending. Sounds like a great youth game to me.


  1. Several Watermelons
  2. 500 rubberbands per watermelon

How to Play:

Alexander Ruzanic provided this variation for us but feel free to mix it up and do what you think is best.

"In our "game" we preloaded 8 or 10 watermelons with 300 rubber bands...Then had students walk around them placing a band each time they passed (sort of musical chairs type with music playing-classical and mellow and suspenseful). Each student would place a band and then wait about 15 seconds before moving on (you could use groups or one student at a time) We had I think groups of 3 place each band and then wait...When the watermelon explodes that group is out until one group left with one watermelon. Everyone watching and waiting. It took about 25 minutes in all to play. Lots of fun and suspense. It was like musical chairs with watermelons everyone got to play and at some point everyone got hit with exploding watermelon. I hope this helps...We also ate the watermelon when we were done and did it outside in a field so clean up was easy."

No matter how you play this game... it does take time. Slow Mo guys said it took them 20 minutes and 500 rubberbands.

As Scott mentioned in the comments, you can also use pumpkins!